May 31: 2021 CMAA Season Update
The Corunna Minor Giant’s Board of Directors in light of the proposed reopening plan for the Province has developed the following strategy for the 2021 season.
This is subject to change based on changes with the provincial government’s plan, PWSA, OBA and or the local governing organizations directions.
Covid policies and procedures are currently being developed and will be required for all coaches, players and families to adhere to.
Please refer to the below proposed plan.
Stage 1 · Players will be put in groups of 10 (including coaches) to practice and will be contacted regarding start date·
-Boy Giant OBA teams will start their tryouts (all players who identified they would like to tryout will be contacted).
-Those who are released from the team will be moved to a group in the local league.
Stage 2·-PWSA Lady Giant teams will play against teams in a cohort based on direction from PWSA·
-OBA teams will play against teams determined by OBA·
-Local league boys will play other local centres if permitted or will develop an internal schedule if possible·
-Local league girls will play other local centres if permitted or will develop an internal schedule if possible·
-Start the tee-ball league
Stage 3· -Extend all playing until the end of September as long as permitted and interest from players remains
These are still uncertain times and want to reiterate that the proposed plan is subject to change. As we do not know what costs will be incurred to run the season we are committed to continuously monitor the costs and will assess the registration fee to determine if a refund of some sort is required.
We will keep registration open until June 7th and ask those who would like to withdraw their registration to let us know by the 7th as well.