The board has reviewed all the registration numbers for all divisions for the 2021 season.
We are excited to announce that there are some divisions that have limited spots available. Others are at capacity.
When looking to register please select the correct registration form.
The divisions that are available for more players are the only ones that have registration reopened.
These spots are on a first come first serve basis. Spots are very limited so do not delay.
Click on the division name to take you directly to the Registration Form
Giants Co-Ed House League
9U In House Rookie (Rookie 2012-2015)
Giants Hardball
11U Giants Hardball- House League -River League (Mosquito 2010-2011)
15U Giants Hardball- (Bantam 2006-2007)
22U Giants Hardball-OBA (Junior 1999-2002)
Lady Giants
U16 Local League (2005-2006)
If you do not see your division they are full with not spots available and remain closed.