Volunteering (Corunna Minor Baseball)


Volunteer Program

Corunna Giants / Lady Giants will be running the volunteer hours program again this season,
while we had a few hiccups last season we are hopeful that these can all be eliminated with our
new procedure.
The cost is the same as last year, a $200.00 refundable cheque(Post dated October 1 2025) or e-transfer
can be made any time after you have registered your player. This will be returned once you
have completed your 4 hours of service (6 for 2 or more players from 1 family).

NOTE: If you were registered last season 2024 and did not provide us with a $200.00 deposit, we will require a $400.00
deposit this year, also, your volunteer time will increase from 4 hours to 6 hours for single player
families and from 6 hours to 10 hours for families with one or more players registered.

NOTE: if you have missed uniform try ons please mail or drop cheques off to 
Paula McKinlay
370 Hill St, Corunna ON N0N1G0
Cheques payable to Corunna Minor Athletic Association.
OR if no cheques make payment

DEADLINE The deadline for cheques/deposits to be made will be on our uniform pick-up day (yet to be
determined). If you have not submitted your volunteer funds, you will not be supplied with a
uniform for your player, meaning that they will not be able to play until we have collected your
volunteer deposit.

Upon completion of these hours your cheque will be returned, if the hours are not completed your cheque will be cashed.


It will be your responsibility to watch Facebook and the Website for Volunteer Opportunities and sign up on Sign Up Genius ONLY

Volunteer opportunities include but not limited to: 

·       Coaching & Team staff (up to 4 total including Head Coach) You must be registered as a coach for the team, provide your Vulnerable Sector Check and do training.

Note Game changer, scorekeeping and pitch counts are considered team responsibilities and will NOT be recognized as volunteer hours.

·       Off Season Clinic Support- umpires and player development clinics

·       Executive Board Members- see home page for details- TBall and In House Rookie Directors, Sponsorship Lead

·       Mid Season & Year End Tournaments

o   Admin

o   BBQ

o   Runners

o   Diamond maintenance & more


·       Fundraising Events

o   Captain Kidd servers

o   Wednesday Night Meat Raffles

o   Darren Turner Memorial Tournament