Jul 14, 2015 | cmacd | 707 views
Saturdays game, year end tournament, practice
Our next game is this Saturday against Sarnia, 1:00pm at Clearwater diamonds. It would be very much appreciated if parents could get there players to the game a half hour before game time so we can do a proper warm-up and stretch!
This years league tournament has been scheduled for August 14,15,16 in Port Lambton. As soon as I find out the date and time of our first game i will post it on here and send out a e-mail.
So far this season we have been unable to have a full team practice. Not once have we had everyone at a practice this season. It would be nice to get a couple of full roster practices in before the tournament. Before the our game with Sarnia one of the players asked me that if we won the game would I buy the team slurpies. Even though I'm more about trying to have fun out there I said I would do it. Since we won the game, at our next practice on Sunday July 19th I will be handing out slurpies for all players. I hope to see everyone on Saturday!