Year end tournament, News, Sr. Rookie Riverleague #2, 2015, HL (Corunna Minor Baseball)

This Team is part of the 2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Aug 05, 2015 | cmacd | 1184 views
Year end tournament
Game times for the year end tournament are as fallows;
Friday Aug.16
Saturday Aug.15
All games are at the Sombra Community Park, on Duke St. in Sombra. Also we have a player that cant make it out for the tournament and another that is going to miss at least 1 game, If your player is not going to be at the tournament or is going to be missing any of the games can you please let me know. It would be very upsetting if parents and players showed up for a game and we had to forfeit, we must have at least 9 players to play. Thank you!