May 08, 2014 | bmcmanus | 729 views
Game #1 in the Books
Well, game #1 is in the books and for the most part, expectations were met.
A big pat on the back goes out to each and every one of you GIANTS! We have a long ways to go, and a lot of work to do, but for being this early in the season, the awareness you showed out there on the diamond met expectations. Keep on communicating out there, and picking up your team mates weather they made a great play, or made an error.
Player of the game goes out to Vince Krohn for keeping his head in the game the entire night out in Right Field. Vinces' awareness saved a few runs for us tonight on a couple occassions by backing up the first baseman on over throws. Great job Vince!
See you boys in Pt.Lambton tomorrow night for game 2 of our home & away.