Parents Schedule/Team Fees, News, Mosquito Minor OBA, 2015, OBA (Corunna Minor Baseball)

This Team is part of the 2015 season, which is not set as the current season.
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May 10, 2015 | bmcmanus | 944 views
Parents Schedule/Team Fees
Hello everyone. Happy Mothers Day to all you moms! Enjoy your day.

Our Team Fees this year will include the following :

Port Dover Tournament - $ 400
OBA Year End Tournament - $ 450 (may only be $400) Location TBD
Total - $ 850
$850 / 11 = $78
If everyone could bring cash or cheque for $78 (made out to me) to the diamond at your earliest convenience that would be great. 
Also, for each game, we will have a family responsible for bringing gatorade on ice in a cooler to the diamond. Please bring an additional drink for your son as well in the case someone forgets. This will ensure we have cold drinks for the players throughout the hot summer to keep them hydrated. I have added a "Parents Schedule" tab on our team website to show who is responsible for each game. The Dollar store in Corunna sells Gatorade for $1 per bottle. 
Once again, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, and I'll see you all @ the diamond tomorrow!
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